
I find myself wondering who you will blame for your struggles. I know for certain everyone struggles, but there’s always someone being blamed.

Will you blame your mother for not choosing with wisdom? Will you grow to resent her for not staying home to raise you? Will you feel lonely when she is not there on field trips? Will you wish to spend more time with her…instead of the others who have the time that she does not? Will you wonder why she’s always busy? Will you feel confused when your friends at school and church talk about their families?

Maybe you will blame your father for only showing up when it is convenient. Perhaps you’ll feel sorrow when you see others with their fathers. Will you come to your mother one day with tears running down your cheeks, asking why your parents are not together? Will it be hard for you to accept love from a man that is not your blood, yet chooses to love you as so?

Or will you understand? Maybe you will understand that your mother is working hard to make your future better. And that she hides her tears at night when you sleep peacefully. Perchance your grandfather will fill that void. What if it is pride that fills your heart when you think of all the sacrifices that were made for you.

Your mother prays that you may grow to love the Lord with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul. Because she knows that regardless of who you may place the blame on you can still find peace through His unconditional love. May you grow to be courageous, gentle, patient, brave, determined, passionate, and contempt.

Your mother worries that her past mistakes may ruin your virtue. Yet she still begs that the spirit of the Lord finds you and never leaves your side.

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